TQ Audio

Open source vST3 / AUv2 / AAX plugins

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Snapshot of the Reverse300


Reverse playback plugin


The Reverse300 is a reverse playback plugin. Available for VST3 / AUv2. This plugin is controlled by MIDI note on and note off, so that you can use this plugin like the instrument.

For example, press and hold down any key on your MIDI keyboard, the recording will start. After 1 sec past, release the pressed key, recorded 1 sec of the reversed playbak will start.

Note: This plugin should be loaded as the send effect. You need create a track for this plugin, and send the signal to that track.

This plugin has these parameters, and the parameters can be controlled by the automation:


Download and Install

Click the download link in this page, the zip file will be downloaded.

Next, unzip the downloaded file and check the folder contains the correct plugin for each platforms. The Reverse300 v0.2.0 is distributed as the following types of the plugin:

Copy the plugin to the location where is read by the hosts. The common locations are:

Finally, launch the host application and check the plugin can be loaded.

Note: The AAX support is added future version.


This plugin supports only 64 bit host applications.


Let’s fork and start developing your plugin today. For more details, see the README.


Reverse300 v0.2.0 (Released 2019-05-01)


If you find bugs or unexpected behavior of the plugin, please let me know.

Because your email might be filtered as spam, please create the issue if you have a GitHub account.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv3.